commander.sphere: Working with spherical data

The commander.sphere package contains utilities for working with spherical data. The tools here are independent of the rest of Commander; the rest of Commander is heavily based on the data format and conventions present here.

Spherical harmonic conventions

Ordering scheme

Across Commander we use \(m\)-major ordering with interleaved positive and negative \(m\); i.e., the coefficients \((\ell, m)\) are ordered first by \(|m|\), then by \(\ell\), and finally by ordering the positive \(m\) before the negative \(m\).

Examples: For all \(m\) and \(0 \le \ell \le 2\), the coefficient order is

\[\left[a_{0,0}, a_{1,0}, a_{2,0}, a_{1,1}, a_{1,-1}, a_{2,1}, a_{2,-1}, a_{2,2}, a_{2,-2} \right ],\]

whereas for storing only \(3 \le \ell \le 4\) one gets

\[\left[a_{3,0}, a_{4,0}, a_{3,1}, a_{3,-1}, a_{4,1}, a_{4,-1}, a_{3,2}, a_{3,-2}, \dots a_{4,4}, a_{4,-4} \right ].\]

The routines commander.sphere.mmajor.lm_to_idx() and commander.sphere.mmajor.idx_to_lm() can translate between array indices and \((\ell, m)\).

Spherical harmonic transforms process the coefficients one \(m\) at the time, making \(m\)-major ordering the most efficient one for SHTs. Memory locality aside, it is crucial that all coefficients for a given \(m\) reside on the same node.

In various computations \(a_{\ell,m}\) and \(a_{\ell,-m}\) are often related and treated together, so it makes sense to keep them together. When interleaving in this particular way with positive \(m\) first, converting between half-complex and real spherical harmonic formats is just a matter of in-place coefficient scaling with no reordering (except possibly for $m=0$). In the half-complex format, \(a_{\ell,m}\) is seens as the real component and \(a_{\ell,-m}\) the imaginary.

We avoid any padding. Padding could have made for more convenient indexing, but is impractical in linear algebra, as one is forced to also pad matrices accordingly. Also it becomes easy to mis-count the number of degrees of freedom for vectors and so on.

Real vs. complex spherical harmonics

We deal with real fields on the sphere, and with the traditional complex definition of spherical harmonics we have \(a_{\ell m}=(-1)^m a_{\ell -m}\) and the negative \(m\) are redundant. However, they must still be included in many computations (you can not stack only the non-negative \(m\) in a vector and do linear algebra with the result).

Therefore, to make sure that linear algebra with spherical harmonic vectors always work out well (and to avoid a very significant speed penalty), we mainly use real spherical harmonics, related to complex spherical harmonics by the equations

\[\begin{eqnarray} a^R_{\ell,0} &=& a^C_{\ell,0} & \\ a^R_{\ell,m} &=& \sqrt{2} \text{Re}(a^C_{\ell,m}) & \text{for $m>0$}\\ a^R_{\ell,m} &=& \sqrt{2} \text{Im}(a^C_{\ell,-m}) & \text{for $m<0$}\\ \end{eqnarray}\]

Algebraically, the transformation from complex to real spherical harmonics is an orthonormal transformation.


While the conversion of vectors is trivial, the conversion of matrices between the real and complex spherical harmonic bases is a bit less trivial, since one needs to apply the basis change operator on both sides of the matrix. In the case of sparse matrices it may even sometimes be better to stick with the full expanded complex vectors, as the number of non-zero elements are smaller.

When it comes to storage, we do not define any half-complex format (i.e., where one stores only non-negative \(m\) ), as one can simply read the real coefficients and correct for the \(\sqrt{2}\) on the fly. Both real and complex storage formats are in use, both using the \(m\)-major ordering described above with either real or complex coefficients.


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